
The story of us, the three of us, that is.  DH and I have been married since March 2004.  We met in college, got married and planned to start a family after being married for nearly a year.  During our first year of "trying to conceive", it became apparent it simply was not going to be an easy journey.  During the next few years, we went to several doctors.  None of them could give us a clear cut explanation for my inferility.  I took several different types of medication, changed my diet...basically did everything the doctors suggested.  Nothing worked.  We had prayed and prayed and then prayed some more.  The answer was clear. 

God chose adoption for us.  February 2009, we applied to adopt internationally with Holt International.  We completed lots of paperwork, fingerprinting and background checks during the spring and summer of 2009.  At the time, we thought we would be waiting for approx 2 years for a referral.  Then we got a phone call that changed everything.  One of the Holt social workers called on the last Monday afternoon in August with a referral for a 14 month old little boy.  This was the call that changed our lives.  We received his information via an email and reviewed it immediately.  Later that evening, we chose our son's name, which means "Gift from God."  We both felt this was the child God chose to be a part of our family.  It was over 7 months later when received the call to travel to Korea to meet him.  It was an amazing journey... it was exciting, hard, scary, sweet, happy, sad and wonderful all at the same it.  Our DS is the most wonderful child ever!  During the last year, it has been amazing to watch him grow to accept and love us. 

We plan to adopt another child from South Korea after the new house is finished and our current home is sold.  We have no idea how long it will be before this journey can begin.  (Hopefully, soon!)  We hope you'll join us and support us during this time and wait for little brother or sister to join The House of Gregorys!