Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Good news for our Landscaping!

Ok, so I know I promised more details about the house and some actual house pictures, however, I am too stinking excited about DH's news, so I just gotta share this instead with ya!  Guess what?!  He's trading some graphic design work for a local nursery for 3 trees for our new house's landscaping!  Trust me, when you see how the land is "landscaped" currently, you'll totally get why I am so excited!  :)  Trust me, it's...well, let's just say, less than lovely.  Wink, wink!  

(I have no idea who I borrowed these photos from!  I'll repost later when we have the real thing to photograph.)


First, let's talk about DH's favorite.  The Sycamore.  Yes, she'll be a messy gal, but I guess that's just how he likes 'em.  Note to self:  must clean house more often to avoid being compared to the tree.  We plan to plant her in the area that most people will consider our backyard.  (I faced the front of the house to the east which is the side with the river bridge, also known as the "back side" of the property.  Honestly, I don't care if no one sees the "front" of the house as the front.  It's our house, not theirs.  HA!)  This gal should provide lots of shade and grow to be a pretty big tree during my lifetime and beyond.   Random thought: It's strange to think about a plant actually outliving me.  Hmmm...

Next up is the Clumping White Birch.  She'll reside on the north side of the house which is the side with the gravel road.  She'll add interest and beauty to the view outside of my kitchen and dining room area.  I hope the other trees that current live in this area don't get too jealous of her beauty, but then again Cinderella's sisters couldn't really help themselves when the evil envy monster took hold of them either.   It's ok, Birchy, we'll keep you safe!

Last, but certainly not least, well not to me anyway... the Weeping Willow tree.  This one is my favorites.  I have always loved these trees.  She'll be placed, not in the most beautiful place, but in the place that most needs her... nearest our lagoon.  Poor gal!  She'll really weep when she gets the news!  Ugh!  Honestly, I have no idea if he planned this, but I consider my willow as my Mother's Day gift.  I asked for one last year.  However, DH gave me a truly wonderful, unexpected gift.  A lovely locket with Evan's referral pictures inside and his Korean name engraved on the back.  Yes folks, I cried.  However, we would have been abandoning the tree when we moved if DH would have bought her last year.  Good thing, he waited, huh?  I think so.  

The good news just keeps rolling in! Lilies!  Yes!  I absolutely adore lilies.  Tulips and lilies are my absolute favorite flowers!  My mom ordered a dozen lilies bulbs for me to plant at our new house.  I can't wait to plant them.  I haven't completely decided where I want them though.  She says they are varied in their color, so it'll be a surprise when they come up and show off their faces. 

I am feeling so fortunate today!  I can't wait to make this little piece of land feel like home!  I hope those who drive by our new place, think to themselves, "Good for the Gregorys" or "Sure glad they bought that crummy trailer and turned the place around!"  Most of all, I hope our neighbors feel a sense of pride in knowing how much we treasure this area.  

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